Sunset In Waves

This art piece is an abstract representation of sunset in waves. It has a calming effect when one looks at it due to the use of lines repeatedly, hence forming a rhythm.

The artwork in question is a stunning piece that showcases the use of fineliners of different colors to create a visually appealing image. The color scheme used in this art piece is analogous, which means that the colors used are next to each other on the color wheel. This creates a cohesive and harmonious effect that is pleasing to the eye.

One of the most striking elements of this artwork is the use of line. The artist has skillfully used lines to create a variety of shapes and forms, which come together to form a cohesive image. The repeated use of curved lines gives this art piece a sense of rhythm, which draws the viewer's eye across the page.

Upon closer inspection, one can see that the artist has paid close attention to detail in every element of the artwork. The lines are clean and precise, which is a testament to the artist's skill and dedication. The use of different colors in each section of the artwork adds depth and dimension to the piece, which further enhances its beauty.

The artist has also employed a variety of design elements to create a dynamic and visually interesting piece. The use of negative space is particularly effective, as it allows the viewer's eye to rest and appreciate the intricacies of the lines and colors used in the artwork.

It is impressive to note that this art piece took approximately five hours to create. This is a testament to the artist's patience and dedication, as well as their artistic skill. The time and effort put into creating this artwork are evident in every aspect of the piece.

Overall, this artwork is a beautiful and striking example of the power of fineliners and design elements. It is a testament to the artist's skill and dedication, and is sure to captivate and delight anyone who views it.


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